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Afghan Hounds Swister (8)Ch Rainey Creek's Roll The Dice  (1)Holmes11062012 (92)Woodcrest's Always Bet On Black (3)Dakota1WRBorder Collie Jax (6)Dudley_Wedding_slideshow (3)Blumoon Affair Of The Heart (1)Mariah's Ain't Nuthin But A Hound Dog (3)Brady (164)Maltese Gus (3)Bryndale Penaire Texas Silver Spur (5)Afghan Hounds Swister (35)Composite Example (003)Fleetwind Culcara Rubee Tuesday (3)Tracks-3Seidach's Diggin' Up Bones (4)Midwood Magnitude (3)Susan01 copyAffaire's Rainbow Waltz (1)revised